
Linear Amplifier for Knobless Wonder

 最近VK3YEが公表したKnobless Wonderという究極のSSBトランシーバーを製作した。コンディションによっては全国とQSOできる事は大きな驚きであった。しかし出力2Wで、最近の電波コンディションの悪さからなかなかQSOが出来ない日もある。。そこでお助けマシーンとしてリニアアンプを作った。

 Knobless Wonderが2W出力なので3dBアッテネーターを付けて1Wでドライブするようにした。
 出力はLCの狭帯域としている。これは効率を高めるためとKnobless Wonder専用とするためである。アイドリング電流は400mAに設定している。これでピーク35Wまで出力できた。

Recently  I made the ultimate SSB transceiver called Knobless Wonder(VK3YE). On the good condition, It's possible to QSO with the whole in my country(JA). It's was a big surprise. However, with 2W output, there are days when QSO can not be done quite easily due to poor radio condition recently. . So I made a linear amplifier.

 I hope to get 10 watts. I found MRF 255 from the parts box.
 It is said that IMD is not good, but I think that it is reasonable FET to use lightly. It is also nice to use it with a power supply voltage of 12 V.

The circuit considered ease of manufacture, certainty and efficiency to some extent.

Matching of inputs is difficult. This time it was adopted because it was broadband and compared with direct connection, compared with 4: 1 and 1: 4 where 1: 4 was the most efficient. It seems that input impedance is higher than I expected.

Since Knobless Wonder is 2 W output, it was designed to drive with 1 W with a 3 dB attenuator.

The output is a narrow band of LC. This is to increase efficiency and to be dedicated to Knobless Wonder.
Idling current set 400 mA. With this, we could output up to 35 W peak.

It seems that 50 W is possible if the input circuit is narrowband type LC, but I thought that it would be sufficient if we could produce easily and 10 W could be done, and it was completed with this. The peak Id was about 8 A.

Incidentally, LPF is indispensable for output. Since it is a single FET this time, in order to cut the second harmonic wave further, it is set to constant K type 2 steps plus polar filter(14 MHz). As a result, it was marginal to laws and ordinances. If you plan to make it in the future, I think that it is good to have fixed K type three-stage plus polarity.

Let's enjoy Homebrew.



RF Analyzer Ver2.01 AD9851 version








I recently made an AD 9851 version because there were several inquiries about RF analyzer, "Can I use AD 9851?", So I maked it.

AD9851it is almost the same as AD9850. The difference is that the upper frequency limit.

This time I used a DDS unit made in China and it is TYPE-B of the photograph. Of course it can be used with TYPE-A. Chinese-made units seem to be getting higher than before, but they are still available and it is cheaper than buying an IC individually. Since I had popularity for a while, I think that there are many homebrewer that they have. Also, as a recent oscillation IC, SI5351 PLL is popular and can be purchased cheaply, VFO etc  used these and DDS may not be popular from that time. However, the RF analyzer adopts DDS since it is a sin wave with little spuriousness at all.

 The problem with this unit is that the characteristics of the LPF formed on the board are very poor and the output level greatly attenuates as the frequency increases. This also applies to the AD9850 unit of Ver1. Therefore, this output is not used, and direct output is used and LPF is added separately. Still it tends to go down a little in the high region. Although I would like to review a little more, there are problems on the wiring, and I am going to make final adjustments in the state actually incorporated.

 For better accuracy, you should add ALC. TYPE-C of the photo is ALC-compliant DDS board made by Mr.Shiomi.
As for this, Mr. Shiomi (soltec koubou) was made and good results have come out.

 As described above, the circuit is the same as Ver1, and the constant of LPF is changed only.

Sketches and circuit diagrams are uploaded to the download corner.

Let's enjoy Homebrew.
